Double feature “Liberation Day” and “Music is the Art of Time 3: LP Film Laibach”

HMKV at the Dortmunder U | Cinema, Ground Floor

Entry free of charge, admission from age 18

Liberation Day (director: Ugis Olte / Morten Traavik), 100 Min., NOR/LVA, 2016, Original: EN / KOR, subtitle: EN

The cult band Laibach becomes the first rock group ever to perform in the fortress state of North Korea. Confronting strict ideology and cultural differences, the band struggles to get their songs through the needle’s eye of censorship before they can be unleashed on an audience never before exposed to alternative rock‘n‘roll. Meanwhile, propaganda loudspeakers are being set up at the border between the two Koreas and a countdown to war is announced.

Music is the Art of Time 3: LP Film Laibach (director: Igor Zupe), 52 Min., SVN, 2018, Original: EN/SVN, subtitle: EN

A film about the first officially released album by the avant-garde rock band Laibach in Yugoslavia, in 1985. Since the band's name was politically prohibited at the time, the record was released without a title or name on the cover. The LP film concentrates on the first five crucial years of these self-proclaimed “engineers of human souls” by investigating the background to their first LP and the inspirations of its co-creators, including deceased frontman Tomaz Hostnik (1961–1982).

Image credit: film still from Liberation Day

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