Double feature “An Apology for Modernity” and “Sarajevo: State in Time”

HMKV at the Dortmunder U | Cinema, Ground Floor

Entry free of charge, admission from age 18

An Apology for Modernity
(director: Igor Zupe, in cooperation with IRWIN), 72 Min., SVN, 2021, Original: EN/SVN, subtitle: EN

While in terms of population size the NSK State in Time cannot compare to most other states, it can be said that in terms of the structure of its citizenry it is an international superpower in the field of contemporary art. A team of curators was found among its citizens (renowned artist Ahmed Ögüt, curators Zdenka Badovinac, Charles Esche), who were invited to present the NSK citizens’ remarkable achievements in the NSK State Pavilion at the Venice Biennial in 2017, alongside the pavilions of over sixty other countries.

Sarajevo: State in Time (directors: Benjamin Jung / Théo Meurisse), 48 Min., FR/BIH/SVN/SWI/ESP/LUX, 2019, Original: FR/EN/BIH, subtitle: EN

1995: The inhabitants of Sarajevo have now been living under the siege for three years and their daily life has become a nightmare due to the shellfire and the snipers. In this atmosphere of humanitarian and artistic emergency, the industrial punk band Laibach and the artists of NSK, travelled across burning ex-Yugoslavia to Sarajevo to proclaim the city as a territory of the NSK State in Time. The film gives the floor to those who wrote this history and those who experienced the event, considered as one of the most important of the siege.

Image credit: film still from Sarajevo: State in Time

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